1. It's humid. This is NOT east Texas...the is WEST Texas: home of the nothing and baby mountains! And 106 degree temperatures! Where did moisture in the air come from! Is this one of the signs of the end of the age? Maybe I should go check Revelation again....
2. Rattlesnakes. That *sweet* old lady that lives on my street also goes to my church, and you know what that *helpful* lady said yesterday??? "Dear, you DO know there are rattlesnakes out at the track, right? I've killed several myself." Um, no...I actually hadn't thought about rattlesnakes! I thought passing out or weird creepers were going to be my only worries. So, I said, "I have no idea how I'd even kill one if I saw it!" And she smiled and said, "Well, let's just hope you can run away!" ah, thanks. lol Thankfully, they just mowed the Field of Snakes I have to walk through...maybe they chopped them all up and won't come back. For precaution's sake, I did take my i-pod buds out while I walked through the FoS.

3. Ground squirrels. Oh, they look cute and cuddly, like someone should computer-animate them and make a killing off of naive young children. But, don't let that fool you...They create a mine-field in open spaces. It was earlier than normal when I set out this morning, so it was dark when I got to the FoS and had to dodge the dumb squirrels' holes so as not to break my ankle. At least, I hope all those holes were squirrels and not rattlesnake homes???
4. I got up at 6am today. Why, if God is good am I up at 6am? Well, it is a many layered answer, my friends...First, it is Vacation Bible School this week: I am leading Missions this week and taking my children to attend, so we have to be there at 8:30. Showered, dress, fed. Also, we are picking up several youth who need a ride to said Vacation Bible School so that they can volunteer their help. C; our car has to go into the shop this morning to get the AC fixed. It's been out for over a week now (see list number 1 above for motivation) And 4-I looked at my training schedule, which I've now decided to up to training for a 10k, and sometime much later in the schedule, it will take 65 minutes to complete the training for that day. So, I thought I'd just get into the habit now of getting up earlier.
And now I'm off to eat, shower and dress for a VERY LONG day. I survived the rattlesnakes and squirrels; I should be good, right??
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